Forums - psylocke = top tier? Show all 32 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- psylocke = top tier? ( Posted by Dilated Hadashi on 04:18:2001 09:39 PM: sorry if this been debated before, just finally found this sight, been everything and more I could hope... but gots question since she is my numer 1 in the game[mvc2]: is psylocke considered top tier? she has been easily my fav character since x-men and playing her is like second nature... I'm a big rushdown man[though for some reason never got mags or storm down the same way I got locke dialed] since it seems many people I play don't follow that style of play, just so confusing and when she has some zoning potential with her projectile, since it come since it's so fast, that I love to use but to the question, she has one of, if not the, best AAA assist, mad quick, and when chained can put a decent dent into anybody... sure the defense ain't nice, supers leave something to desire and lag time for some moves awful but damn, just love her style and can hold her own against most with right assists so what I'm lookin for are people's beefs against psylocke, why, and others who like to play her as thier main character, what they like to do cause...damn, always good to learn- and just thought; why isn't, when people play the rushdown w/psylocke it's not called the 'locke-down'... I dig that -- I'm like an epiphany, I'll get to you eventully -- Posted by Lord Doom on 04:18:2001 09:43 PM: I'd say that Psylocke is easily second tier and works well with almost all of the top tier. Her supers do have mad lag time and don't really do a considerable amount of damage. She's takes hits poorly although that could be expected. Although if it ever came down to one-on-one she is definity top-tier in my estimation. Posted by LastGod VT on 04:18:2001 09:47 PM: Umm, not quite yet top tier, but she is definitely a strong character and is definitely second tier along with Cpt. Commando, IronMan (even though I think he will be upgraded to top tier after B5) and others. Shes a great helper, but as point, she just lacks some of the dominace a lot of ther top tiers have. ^_^ I think shes great. She looks nice too. ^_~ Posted by Demroth on 04:18:2001 09:54 PM: Not top tier but might be soon. Many people use her, if people win a few more truns with her she may move up. Love her outfit. Posted by Pimpwitagun on 04:18:2001 10:05 PM: well she should be top tier alone for the fact that she makes me horny.... oops, i mean hungry, .. yeah, u know how u get the munchies after mvc2 play, um nevermind. Posted by Pimpwitagun on 04:18:2001 10:06 PM: she does have an infinite right? Posted by Dilated Hadashi on 04:18:2001 10:08 PM: quote: Originally posted by Pimpwitagun she does have an infinite right? does she? that would be cool... Posted by on 04:18:2001 10:08 PM: She has excellent speed and can chain combos well. Her Maelstrom is great for the last attack in a triple HC cancel. That's all I can really say about her.....I prefer Rogue. Posted by Ma Junior on 04:18:2001 10:17 PM: I don't think she does that great in one on one battles, although she can do huge combos against the bigger players. She takes a lot of damage and one of her supers is near useless because it does little damage. I think she was included because she's dressed like a cheap whore? Everyone has at least one infinite. Posted by on 04:18:2001 10:24 PM: She doesn't dress like a cheap whore. it's just like wearing a tank top with the nipples about to pop out and a thong. Nothin' to it...Poison is worse than her. Posted by Ma Junior on 04:18:2001 10:43 PM: You just proved my point. And Poison's a guy. Posted by on 04:19:2001 12:38 AM: quote: Originally posted by Ma Junior You just proved my point. And Poison's a guy. Poison is not a guy. Only in the manga.....only in the manga........ If you complain about women dressed like that in real life, then....something is wrong with you. I mean, if they have the body for it...who the hell are you to tell them they look like a cheap whore? You should be asking for their phone number or something instead.... Posted by Dc1 on 04:19:2001 02:17 AM: psylock is one of my favorite character i have been using her ever since MVC2 came out she's definitely not top tier I realized that after beat downs i receive fromm all the other top tier, her defense just make so vunlerable to mistakes, and u don't ever want to have a mistake againstr top tiers. but aside from that sfe is good and so much more fun and challenging to play with. Posted by Dynamyte2U on 04:19:2001 03:38 AM: Psylocke is good, but definately does not cut it for top tier. She's got an amazing assist but her point game isn't dominant. When I say 'dominant', I'm talking "TOP TIER dominance". In order to be in the top tier, you gotta have it all. Psylocke's got some sweet combos and all, but she's not good enough for the Top Tier. Second Tier for sure, but definately not the first. If you wanna talk about a new Top Tier character, i've got somebody else in mind: Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 04:19:2001 03:44 AM: i think she is top tier because of her assist and her rushdown game...her combos may not to that much damge but u can dhc hella easily w/ hers...shes fun to use and her assist is a big canceller for other peoples moves and supers Posted by Dynamyte2U on 04:19:2001 03:52 AM: Demi>> Are her strengths enough to put her into the top tier? Are her weaknesses not significant enough to keep her out of the top tier? Does she have enough options and tools in her arsenal to battle with the big boys? Does she have the dominance of the Top-Tier characters? Is her rushdown that reliable, like Magneto and Storm's? Is her relatively low stamina (110%) a big disadvantage? At point, does she match up well against the other top tier characters? Are her blatantly surgically-enhanced breasts slowing her down, or do they give her attacks more power as she puts her weight into her punches and kicks? Now that you've all thought about these questions, here's the ultimate question: Does Psylocke have what it takes to be called "First Tier"? Or does she belong in the Second Tier, as well as the Marvel Comics whore house? Posted by Jin Rules! on 04:19:2001 03:53 AM: Depending on how high IM gets, she might become the last spot in the top tier. She could be like cyclops is to cable, but cyke is better on point. Psylockes teleport might give her an edge tho. Posted by Dynamyte2U on 04:19:2001 04:00 AM: Her teleport sucks Iron Man's iron balls. She's vulnerable for a full second when she teleports, and the screen shifts when she teleports, telling the opponent where she is going to reappear. The Second Tier sits at: Iron Man Iceman Megaman Psylocke Cammy Dhalsim Colossus War Machine Silver Samurai Juggernaut (w/ glitch) In my opinion, Iron Man is the top candidate for the top tier upgrade, and Iceman is next. Posted by Jin Rules! on 04:19:2001 04:03 AM: Heh, seems like Psylocke sucks alot of people's balls. I can't really see Iceman moving to top tier unless a new strat for him is figured out (yeah omega red guru! lol). He's a solid character, but it seems as if he would have to be the central person on the team. Does he have any usable infinites? Posted by Dynamyte2U on 04:19:2001 04:07 AM: Iceman's got some speed and has a simple but decent air-combo. He is immune to half of the game's chipping damage, and deals a whole shitload. However, his main game is his keepaway with d+j.FPs, Icebeams, and Ice Avalanches. He's got some good pokes too, like his s.FK xx FP Icebeam. He's an awesome character. He's almost got the dominance of some of the top tier characters, even though he's not complete. Megaman's another example of a really good second-tier character that just isn't "complete". Posted by Juggrknott on 04:19:2001 04:53 AM: Yeah....if by "complete" you mean "game-breakingly cheesy".... To me, top tier means being a viable threat to a lot of the roster (for whatever reason); this is *usually* low-risk for high-reward, there are exceptions. Generally, just a really good assist doesn't cut it; I guess the closest thing is Cyke, and he at least brings serious chip/battery to the table as well (also, he has lost some favor of late). Before one can ask if somebody is top tier, they should just ask themselves realistically how the character in question stacks up against BH demons, Doom photons, AHVB and things like that. If it's not even close, there's your answer. If you play a kick-ass game with Hulk, it doesn't mean he's top tier; it just means you played a kick-ass game with Hulk. And it will probably always be a good 3 or 4 times harder than kicking ass with Doom or some other top-tier character played as designed. I agree that IM might be on the cusp between top and 2nd tier. I don't think Psylocke quite makes the top-tier cut, although she's dangerous and a pretty good point/assist. -Jugg Posted by DarkZero on 04:19:2001 04:54 AM: No way Psylocke is top tier. She does have good combos and a great AAA but that is about it. Yeah, I rush down with her but she doesn't do it very well. 1 on 1 she could be a threat cause of her combos and decent speed, but she is mainly weak and has poor defense. Posted by Maximum Burst on 04:19:2001 06:15 AM: quote: Originally posted by Juggrknott Yeah....if by "complete" you mean "game-breakingly cheesy".... To me, top tier means being a viable threat to a lot of the roster (for whatever reason); this is *usually* low-risk for high-reward, there are exceptions. Generally, just a really good assist doesn't cut it; I guess the closest thing is Cyke, and he at least brings serious chip/battery to the table as well (also, he has lost some favor of late). Before one can ask if somebody is top tier, they should just ask themselves realistically how the character in question stacks up against BH demons, Doom photons, AHVB and things like that. If it's not even close, there's your answer. If you play a kick-ass game with Hulk, it doesn't mean he's top tier; it just means you played a kick-ass game with Hulk. And it will probably always be a good 3 or 4 times harder than kicking ass with Doom or some other top-tier character played as designed. I agree that IM might be on the cusp between top and 2nd tier. I don't think Psylocke quite makes the top-tier cut, although she's dangerous and a pretty good point/assist. -Jugg I tottaly agree with you. Posted by LastGod VT on 04:19:2001 07:12 AM: quote: Originally posted by Dynamyte2U Her teleport sucks Iron Man's iron balls. She's vulnerable for a full second when she teleports, and the screen shifts when she teleports, telling the opponent where she is going to reappear. The Second Tier sits at: Iron Man Iceman Megaman Psylocke Cammy Dhalsim Colossus War Machine Silver Samurai Juggernaut (w/ glitch) In my opinion, Iron Man is the top candidate for the top tier upgrade, and Iceman is next. Umm... i would replace that Colossus with Cpt. Commando... I wasnt even aware that colossus was considered second tier. ^_^ Posted by Dilated Hadashi on 04:19:2001 07:16 AM: indeed...dig the discussion going on, wish knew this forum and liek existed earlier then I found out but is the beauty of the game, don't need the best character to win... but what I'm wondering is what you guys think would be decent teams with psylocke? the two people I feel best with is psylocke/cap commando, they almost always in my team, though having both of those AAA assists seems overkil... the third guy is up in the air..been trying to learn some cable(but the joysticks are awful in memorial union, ask ryu1999) since you can build meter pretty quickly with psylocke, but who would you recommend as a third person? I can deal with doom, could play mean keep away with cap comm and the AAA doom gots is massive... tried others, guile, iceman, etc... just wondering what strengths, weaknesses, and strategies you see in a team with two pixies[what does that term mean anyhow? that and battery character, have an idea on that one(to build meter) but not pixie...] as the main focus -- I shall proceed -- Posted by CykoClops on 04:19:2001 12:07 PM: psylocke has really crap supers, therefore she's not top tier. Posted by DarthSalamander on 04:19:2001 01:58 PM: I don't think she is even 2nd tier. All of the 2nd tier should beat her. She just has a really good AAA. Posted by Naslectronical on 04:19:2001 03:59 PM: I love Psylocke. I've got her mastered. She's pretty quick, she's got a triple jump and a teleport, one of the best if not the best AAA assist in the game. But she's not top-tier. She takes damage badly, and can't really do a lot of damage. She also loses to keep-away and traps. But she's definitely high second tier. I use her with Magneto and a thrid character most of the time. Usually, I air combo into her Butterfly super and then DHC into a tempest or hailstorm, or yoga inferno or proton cannon or some other super so that I can do some damage, because she doesn't do a lot of damage on her own. She becomes top-tier when it gets down to 1-on-1, in my opinion. Her rushdown rivals Mag's and Storm's. If only she could deal with keep-away and do more damage............ Posted by Foriegn Man on 04:19:2001 04:02 PM: In my tier at home, no one use psylocke. She sucks! Posted by Pimpwitagun on 04:19:2001 11:36 PM: shes fine as fuck..... she makes me "tier" Posted by Naslectronical on 04:19:2001 11:39 PM: Psylocke sucks? I won't even dignify that with a response. And hell yes, she is a fine woman. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:20:2001 12:40 AM: She is very, very fine I might add. And I agree with you, Psylocke IMO also becomes top tier in one-on-one. All times are GMT. 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